. Collection SS24
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Herzblut- architektur in progress 1997–2017
150 Positionen zur Architektur in und um Österreich. architektur in progress 1997–2017
The high-quality, two-volume publication offers an over- view of those 150 top architectural offices that were presented as part of ‘architektur in progress’ during the course of the past 20 years.
The diversity of the positions should enable readers to understand the breadth of the contemporary architecture scene in and around Austria between 1997 and 2017.
The first volume includes the teams from A–K and the second those from L – Z. Each team and speaker is presented on a double spread alongside their “Herzblut Project”. In Volume 1, AllesWirdGut, BEHF, DMAA, EOOS and feld72, among others, demonstrate their understanding of architecture with a self-chosen image and are supplemented in Volume 2 by studios including LAAC, Pichler & Traupmann Architekten, Querkraft and UNstudio. Well-known architectural critics and journalists from across Austria portray the architectural offices, their personal approaches and special ways of working. These are complemented by statements from former members of the teams and commentaries on the scene by Verena Konrad and Laurids Ortner. The two volumes offer a comprehensive yet specific view of a heterogeneous architecture scene and its protagonists and projects of the last 20 years.

Präsentation der 2 Bände am 25.01.2019