Family Bohnenbaum, First Contact

Nowhere near or far you will find any living plant, that denies climate change. That is left for us humans to do, the supposedly more intelligent beings.
Our dear Bohnenbaums presumably belong to the wiser ones amongst us. They love future and nature. Therefore, they trust experts, even when it comes to things concerning heaven. They are very fascinated by the infinite universe. You look in the sky and you are amazed. The Bohnenbaums love to do that. This years summer garden get-together was therefore simply moved overseas. They stay with the brothers Hank & Frank, two brave researchers, who amongst other things, dedicated themselves to exo-sociology. The still young science deals with the possible characteristics of extraterrestrial civilizations, the scenarios of first contact with one of those and its consequences for us earthlings. Hank & Frank feel a deep connection with all life. Respect for nature and sustainability has always been very important to them (also for Kramer & Kramer it has always been a matter of course. [editor´s note]).  They are looking for contact with a more advanced civilization from another world.
And they have already made contact, met extraterrestrials and even got to know some better. Some of these extraterrestrial beings, Herberts, as they called them, have even stayed with them. Hank & Frank believe, the Herberts did not come here by chance. Shortly after their landing they were hugging trees, smelling flower blossoms and rolling in the grass ...


Garden Area: 390 m2
Furniture: Living Domani, Paola Lenti, Steininger
Features: Natural stone from Breitwieser Stoneworld, roof gravel area, wooden jetty, Rock-Air outdoor kitchen, Corten steel edging, sandy beach
Lighting: Davide Groppi, Bega
Cultivation: Pines, tupelo, fruit trees, Japanese maple and bamboo Small Plants: Cherry orchard hedges, lamprey grass, verbena and Japanese sedge
Flower Pots: Atelier Vierkant, Domani